I was a non-practicing witness for many years. I was invited to study to get back in the swing of things, and when I was almost done studying, the "requirements" set in. I was sent into the back room and berated by a bunch of elders saying I needed to wear a suit. I told them I had clean clothes, and never wore a suit before, nor did I ever intend to wear one. They are itchy, uncomfortable and is not me. I was minding my own business, and did not bother anybody. They said it did not matter and was required to wear one. I told them when I am judged, I am not going to be wearing any stinking suit.
In the end, your suit is not going to make a single difference if you are judged. The JW's have a don't-ask-don't-tell policy, and my family being witnesses led very crude lives. My father was a pedophile and my mother was a controllling overbearing woman that did not care about anybody but herself. But they dressed well!!
Lastly, there are pamphlets being strewn around about a paradise earth. Look closely at the pictures. See the manufactured clothes? See the manufactured plates, houses and other things? Why would you need factories that spewing pollution in your paradise?
How many times have they said the world was going to end? Five, six times? I remember in 1975 people were SURE the world was going to end... and Mr. Russel thought the world was going to end in the mid-1800's. What a crock.
I can go on and on...
I am very bitter and angry with this organization, and I will never step foot in another Kingdom Hall again.